

C#: How would StickyNote be increased?


The previous blog:
How to write a text on sticky note.


One of function which sticky note needed is that the number of it can be increased. How would it be do? I have thought TWO ideas.

A) stand-alone model
The first model is that some notes has been running independently. If the file name is “Sticky.exe”, every note is run from “Sticky.exe” as an external application. When right-click-menu “New” is clicked, Below is run.

 Process p = Process.Start(“note.exe”);

There is a important point, when the sticky note is run first. In the case, it is necessary to run the sticky notes, as many as data in database.

The first note has to check the number of data from the database. The first data is written to its own, then, the second and any later data are run from the first sticky note. in the case, a database ID as argument has to be added.

 Process p = Process.Start(“note.exe”, id);

B) Parent-children model
The second model is that a mother form has exist. The mother form is transparent and located outside the screen. When right-click-menu “New” is clicked, Below is run on mother form.

  new Sticky();

The feature of this model is that it is easy to manage as the number of  notes, exchanged between notes, and so on.

I’m wondering whether A or B…


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